Is there a software development skills shortage?
The UK government has recently identified a need for a broader range of IT skills and greater technical knowledge to be taught in schools, starting at an earlier age, including the concepts of computer programming or coding. The report commissioned by the government identified a skills shortage and lack of teaching in this area. The report is a good read, and although it focuses on some of the more creative elements and industries, the skills shortages it highlights means that it’s still relevant to businesses generally.
We have to say that we see this all the time in business. We go into smaller companies with no dedicated IT staff at all – never mind any software developers. We also go into larger companies with thousands of staff on-site, yet they still don’t employ any software developers to assist with their many business processes and IT needs.
Subsequently the government has now started the process of rolling out new curriculum elements to help fill this skills gap, targeting pupils from as young as 5 and up. The very fact that they are targeting such a young age group helps to emphasise that this is a long term attempt to tackle a long term problem. The plans are ambitious – only time will tell if it bears fruit.